Choose Joy

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In April 5, 2013, Kay Warren's life changed forever. That was the day she lost her son Matthew to suicide. Most of us will not face anything so devastating, but every single day we will face something that threatens our attempts to live with joy. Health problems, financial worries, marriage issues, loneliness, unresolved relational conflicts, anxiety about our nation or our world, stress over how our kids are turning out. In those moments, how do we choose joy over fear, apathy, or despair?

In Choose Joy, Kay shares the path to experiencing soul-satisfying joy no matter what you're going through. She helps you send your spiritual roots deep into the soil of God's love so that you can develop convictions and certainties about him that will become the source of your strength when happiness isn't enough.

”The only thing that would allow me to survive the loss of my son was what I knew and believed about God . . . and joy," says Kay. Let her lead you toward true and lasting joy in your life.

Kay Warren cofounded Saddleback Church with her husband, Rick Warren, in Lake Forest, California, in 1980. After the death of her son, Matthew, who lived with serious mental illness for most of his life, she founded Saddleback's Hope for Mental Health Initiative as a way to support individuals and family members of loved ones with mental illness and suicidal ideation. The Initiative also trains others in the faith community how to launch or expand existing mental health ministries.

Kay is a board member of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention and is active in mental health/suicide prevention efforts in Orange County, California. She is the author of Sacred Privilege, Choose Joy, and Say Yes to God, and coauthor of Foundations, a popular systematic theology course used by churches worldwide. Her children are Amy and Josh, and Matthew (who is in heaven), and she has five grandchildren.

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